Third Festival of Theology: Tuesday 8th October 2019

Every bit office of building a community of reflection related to the web log, I take previously hosted one-twenty-four hours Festivals of Theology, the kickoff in January last year, and the second concluding Oct. On each occasion we had a dandy time of listening, learning, reflection and discussion, with around 100 people attending on each occasion. Every bit a outcome I am planning a 3rd Festival onTuesday 8th October again hither in Nottingham at Christchurch, Chilwell.

Equally before, the plan will exist to heed to 15- to 20-minutes presentations on a range of subjects, with time for response, interaction and discussion. The solar day volition offset with coffee at 10.00 am, with the welcome and first presentation at 10.30. With an 60 minutes's pause for lunch, we will plan to cease at 3.thirty pm, which should let for seven presentations.

The presentations will match the areas that the web log explores—the style the Bible is read and understood within the church, aspects of ministry including preaching, questions of contemporary ethics, and mission strategy and effectiveness.If you would like to offer a presentation, please email me with the subject line Festival of Theology or use the contact class, explaining the surface area you would like to offer a presentation and what you would be wanting to say. To see the range of things we covered previously, do expect through the programme for the first and the 2d festival days. I hope that presentations will be stimulating and provocative—so do feel free to offer something that you call back I will disagree with! If there are topics yous would similar to come across covered, please suggest them by commenting below.

There will too be time over coffee and tiffin and at the end of the day to meet ane another, and I promise it will be a highlight to actually meet in person people that nosotros have been interacting with online. And exist bodacious: we volition, once more than, have orange balloons!

So put the date in your diary; share with your friends; and think about either offering a presentation yourself or encouraging others to do so! I look forward to seeing you at that place!

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Comments policy: Good comments that engage with the content of the mail, and share in respectful debate, tin add existent value. Seek starting time to understand, then to be understood. Make the near charitable construal of the views of others and seek to acquire from their perspectives. Don't view debate as a disharmonize to win; address the argument rather than tackling the person.


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