Steve Harvey and Retired Stipper Dancer Family Feud
Like almost any other long-running Game Show, Family Feud and its foreign counterparts have had their share of highly amusing moments.
See likewise Funny.Family Fortunes for funny moments from the British equivalent.
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American versions
- Steve Harvey (2010-nowadays)
Richard Dawson (1976-85, 1994-95)
- Mid-1977: For the first year or so, the Face-Off Podium used much thinner buzzers that, if a contestant wasn't careful, could exist broken. This was inevitable.
By September 2 (the "Alligator" episode), the normal buzzers were in place. annotation (The commencement syndicated episodes still used the original buzzers, which created a brief inconsistency.)
- Fall 1977: The Confront-Off Podium just doesn't want to work.
The male contestant even kicks the front of the podium!
- 1978 (daytime): On this episode
, neither contestant could come up with an answer for "Living or dead, name a famous religious adult female", and so Dawson asked for the question to be thrown out. He then asked the contestants "How much is ane and i?" Afterward the female person contestant rang in (and the male contestant yelled out "2"), Dawson stopped them and said "Simply checking" before reading the actual second question.
- 1978 (daytime): 1 contestant stopped Dawson during a Face-Off and asked whether she could get to the bathroom. He said that she could, simply they'd have to stop record... so she asked "Do you just have a can?" Dawson, presumably trying to offset the Squick gene, replied "No, you lot store film in cans. We keep our videotape in boxes."
- 1978 (daytime): "Proper name someone famous who probably won't, or didn't, make it to Heaven.
", with nine answers present. But the first answer given, Adolf Hitler, is on the board (specifically, #2), resulting in a quick first round worth but $sixteen. The real fun came with near of the other unrevealed answers - two, Idi Amin (#three) and Charles Manson (#five), fabricated sense, but the others...? Richard Nixon (which Dawson disagrees with), Redd Foxx, Don Rickles, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Dean Martin, and Burt Reynolds. The reactions from Dawson, the contestants, and the studio audience can easily be filed under the "Who the hell was surveyed?!" category.
- 1979(?; All-Star Special): This intro
to the Dallas vs. Eight is Plenty game.
- March 31, 1980 (daytime): During Fast Money, a abiding answers "Zoo" to the last question: "Proper name a place where people win something." Richard is so shocked past this answer that he lets the contestant try again, which he does with "Casino". It wound up non mattering since they won $5,000 earlier they could get to that question.
- 1980 (daytime): A question asked "Name something some people practice only once while others exercise information technology more than than one time." To everyone's surprise, the number three answer was "Smoke marijuana", answered by six people.
- 1980 (daytime): This question.
Dawson: Name the least romantic kind of place you can think of to bring someone on a date.
Contestant: Garbage dump. - Taped September 25, 1980 (daytime), in what is probably the most infamous moment of Dawson'due south run equally host:
Cathy: September.
- The kicker is when he has to ask it to the second contestant Cee Cee, he absolutely struggles to get back on-topic and ends upwardly having to explain away why he was suddenly laughing well-nigh "September".
Cee Cee: Cathy! (pause) That's okay, good answer. Really proficient answer.
Dawson: Oh, shut up!- Then she proceeded to respond to "Name a noisy bird" with "Cuckoo", causing Dawson to lose it over again, and and then give up entirely when fourth dimension expired ("Aw, to hell with that!")
- 1981 (dark): One episode had the Fast Money question "Besides lather and a towel, name something people have with them into the bath". The contestant said "a duck", which was met by Dawson with derision. And so information technology turned that information technology was worth eleven points (equally in "condom duckie")... and Dawson literally dropped on his face.
Dawson (afterwards getting back up): I get to retire subsequently this testify.
- Dawson and the Strike operator have some fun.
Dawson: Name someone past or present famous for his or her wiggle.
Contestant: Gypsy Rose Lee.
(Dawson turns around, but the Strike beats him to the punch)
Dawson: Gyp- Ro- Lee.
Dawson: Lee. Ros-
Dawson: Gypsy!
Dawson: Rose!
Dawson: Gypsy!
Dawson: Lee!
(cablegram, followed by information technology sounding over twenty times more than )
Dawson (over buzzers): Lee!-Oh... yeah-no, I can take a hint. (buzzers cease) Alright... (turns to contestant who gave the response) you were that close, though. - During the Face up-Off for the question "Name a fruit with an edible peel", the woman who rang in said "Banana". Later in the circular, Dawson called her barefaced by eating a banana, peel and all
- Early 1985 (daytime): While the question and impaired answer have been seen before on various boner specials ("Something you brand conversation about when you run across a stranger." "Common friends."), the subsequent Face-Off isn't — and information technology'due south a shame, because Dawson couldn't finish laughing.
- 1994-95: Dawson pulled a Combs once when the beginning contestant got 200 points in Fast Money. Dawson asked the joke question of "Also giving nascency to Adolf, name a reason for hating Mrs. Hitler" for the second contestant.
- Dawson was near driven to despair when the contestants kept misinterpreting the question "Name a question such as 'how old are you?' that you lot might answer with a lie.
" by answering with ages (the get-go adult female to buzz in interrupted Dawson right later on he said "how sometime are you"). Thankfully, the contestants eventually figured it out.
Dawson: I will non give up with this question! I have faith in my families.
- Peradventure ane of the funniest intentional answers:
Dawson: Two answers left, no Strikes, John, slang name for a policeman!
Contestant: ...DIIIICK!
Dawson: Pardon me? What did you say?
Contestant: Dick.
Dawson: Okay...(exasperated) may we meet what he said?
(buzzer sounds)- To clarify, "dick" actually was once a slang term for detective.
- This question:
Dawson: Name something a hostess does to allow her guests know it's time to leave.
(contestant buzzes in)
Contestant: (shrugs her shoulders) She goes to bed...
Dawson: Well, that'd certainly tip me off... (pointing at board) She hits the sack?
(strike sound)
Dawson: No! - An early example of a racy reply:
Dawson: Name something that has to warm up before you utilise information technology.
Contestant: How about your wife? - From a Fast Money circular:
Dawson: One of the Three Bears.
Contestant: Yogi.
Dawson: Name...
(everybody laughs)
Dawson: This man's flying airplanes for us...
(contestant is an airline pilot)
Dawson: (tries to read the side by side question, merely laughs more)- And so later when the answer is revealed:
Dawson: One of the 3 Bears: #i answer was "Mama". You gave her illegitimate son, 'Yogi'. It happened during hibernation. Papa was shocked.
- This question:
Dawson: Proper noun something you purchase and then have to be careful about how you carry information technology dwelling.
Contestant: An infant.
Dawson: (puzzled) An babe... Something you buy.
(audition begins to express joy) - 1994-1995: "What is the perfect, ideal, everyday temperature?" As in weather. The contestant answered 98.half dozen Degrees.
Dawson: What would be the ideal, everyday temperature? Everybody... disrobe! (answer is revealed, audition is in hysterics) 98.6! Survey said... (buzzer) Ze-oh! (Jamaican accent) It'south like living on de equa-taah!
- "Name a piece of clothing wives buy for their husbands." "Halter tops."
Dawson: I remember when my wife bought me my very first halter top, and looking dorsum on it all, I would say that was the point where we began to drift apart...
- "Well, what'southward your story?" "I'm ...I'thousand in young girls' pants, I manufacture pants."
- Richard's reaction to that is priceless. He actually does a Double Have.
- From the ABC finale:
Dawson: I hope a crisis comes up internationally so that the president doesn't encounter our last show, considering y'all and I will be sent to Grenada. "How old do you think Ronald Reagan is?" we asked innocently. You said (contestant's answer of 80 is revealed) uh, 30. (audience laughs) Survey said: (ding) Five. Yous're non alone, that'due south good news. Number one answer was 60; it was obviously answered by people who were besides being terrified of being deported.
Contestant: How old is he?
Dawson: How old is he, 74? I'd say he looks about 65. I think his neck looks well-nigh 90. - "Name something boys generally offset at an earlier historic period than girls." When the other family gets a take a chance to steal, they decide to go with "sex". Dawson's response? "Well, who would they practise it with so!?" Gets fifty-fifty funnier when you consider the ascent acceptance of LGBT people since the episode's airdate.
- Date unknown: A contestant answers "lamb" for the Fast Money question "Name an brute in a children's petting zoo." Somehow, the board operators put "whale
" in instead.
- Date unknown: "Proper name a real person who made a living scaring people." "Cherry skeleton."
- Date unknown: "A product that'south designed to wear out in a certain menstruum of time." The contestant struggled to give a good reply equally her commencement three are already on the board and Dawson tries to stay patient:
Contestant: An fe!
Dawson: All appliances are up there. Run into the give-and-take appliance up there?
Contestant: That'south non an appliance?
Dawson: An iron is an appliance.
Contestant: Yes, I thought and so.
Dawson: Give me some other answer.
Contestant: ...oh! Gotta give you another respond?
Dawson: Aye, aye.
Contestant: ...freezer?
Dawson: All appliances. (counts on his fingers) That'd be like your blenders and your toasters. Your java pots and your tin can openers. Your microwave ovens, I guess. Your stoves... that'd all be together now.
Contestant: Oh! I run across that appliances is up there, I'1000 sorry!
Dawson: That's all right! That'southward okay, I just don't want you to be confused. Now we want y'all to give us a production that's designed to wear out in a certain period of fourth dimension.
Contestant: Tires!
Dawson: (points to the board) ...they're up there.
Contestant: I'chiliad trying too hard. - From a Soap Opera special:
Dawson: Something some people practise clothed that others exercise without clothes.
Kin Shriner: (stutters) Ride a motorbike. - Date unknown:
Dawson: "A state that begins with the letter M". Yous said: Mississipi. You demand 41 points. Survey said...
("Mississippi" scores 28 points, though the victory theme plays briefly before stopping.)
Contestant: False alarm, huh?
Dawson: Information technology was... it was the #1 answer. Merely, unfortunately, we either accept a drunken music motorcar or someone who tin can't add. "An expensive magazine". You said: Playboy. 13 points. If you have music, I'd dearest to hear it at present. Survey said...
("Playboy" scores 38 points, giving them the win and the proper fanfare)
- Dawson traps a contestant who givies a racy answer:
Dawson: Name something couples do to spark upward their matrimony.
Contestant: How about... assemble with other couples?
(audience laughs, Richard gives an Bated Glance)
Dawson: What do you mean?
Contestant: I'yard talking, I only mean, uh... Non talk.
(audience laughs harder)
Ray Combs (1988-94)
- Ray Combs gave us a funny moment right out of the gate on his first show (July 4, 1988):
Combs: [...]I'one thousand excited about being on CBS and hosting this evidence. I have been studying all the great CBS shows. I retrieve I'm prepared, so if you're ready... let'southward have the outset item up for bids.
- A few times during Combs' run, the outset histrion in Fast Money got more than than 200 points alone. As a joke, Combs hushed the audition and brought out the 2d player, and then said that the first player had but gotten a ridiculously-small number of points. He then asked the second thespian gag questions such every bit "Proper name a number betwixt iii and five" before revealing the beginning histrion's score and proverb that the family had won the jackpot.
- One of the YouTube comments laments a aureate missed opportunity there; for the question, "Proper name a number between 3 and 5," take the "repeated respond" buzzer become off when the contestant answered "four."
- One family managed to do this twice during their reign. The 2d time, Ray tried to pull the aforementioned stunt twice on the same Fast Money contestant, but she looked at the board and ruined his prank.
- This Bullseye circular with contestants from American Gladiators:
Ray: Proper name a specific office of the body that women effort to accentuate.
(Sabre rings in)
Ray: Sabre.
Sabre: Breasts. (points at Diamond's breasts)
(anybody laughs, Diamond, who was playing against him, shows off her breasts while he stares at her smiling and watching) - This Bullseye round question:
Ray: Tell me a way—and listen to the wording 'cause it's worth 5,000—Tell me which way the smoke from your barbecue always blows.
(contestant Dave rings in)
Ray: Dave.
Dave: Upwardly!
(audition laughs)
Ray: Show me "up" for $5,000!
Ray: (to the opponent, Dan) Tell me which fashion the fume from your charcoal-broil e'er blows, Dan, for five m.
Dan: Uh, the way of the wind!
(audition laughs)
Ray: Show me "the mode of the air current"!
Ray: Could it be... "In your face"? What was—(Bullseye answer is revealed) "Into your face". - Another Bullseye round question:
Ray: Also medicine, tell me something else you can buy at nearly drugstores.
(contestant William rings in)
Ray: William?
William: Condoms!
(audience laughs)
Ray: I'chiliad gonna say it. Here's a man that would not exist doing dishes. All right.
(more laughter)
Ray: Let me see "condoms" for $iv,000!
Ray: NO! - Circa 1993: During the Bullseye Round, a Playboy playmate (who was playing for charity) was presented with a bouquet of flowers by her opponent. While leaning over the buzzers to kiss him for the wonderful gesture, she accidentally hit her cablegram with her boobs.
Ray (looking at her, a smile on his face): That'south the outset time anyone'southward slapped that buzzer and didn't utilize their hands!
- "Bated from a business firm or a automobile specifically, what is the almost expensive thing you ain?" The outset buzz-in answer? "A car." The staff didn't even await for Ray to prompt them — every bit soon equally that response came out of her mouth, the buzzer went off.
- "Proper name something men article of clothing to bed." Quoth the little quondam lady, "A rubber!"
- Someone else gave that same answer to "Name something a husband might inquire his wife to carry in her purse."
- "Name something commonly worn only by children." "Clothes."
- This exchange:
Ray: Name something that falls from trees.
Contestant: How about bird shit?
Contestant: Well, it happens, Ray! It does happen!
Ray: Male child, I'm glad cows don't fly. - And this one:
Ray: Tell me a slang term that ways "wife".
Contestant named Craig: Bitch.
(audience boos and jeers)
Ray: (sarcastically) Skillful respond!- To clarify, this was a game betwixt divorcees, with ex-husbands playing against their ex-wives.
- A strange answer:
Ray: We asked 100 married men, specifically, something that your wife would practice that would be shocking.
Contestant: Greet you at the door... naked!
(laughter and applause)
Ray: (shakes the contestant'south mitt) That's a skilful answer. You tin keep your cats and never cook either, if you greet me at the door "naked".
(That turns out to be the number one answer, much to everyone'southward surprise) - One rowdy contestant was waving her artillery around right when Ray walked back to her spot. The result, an accidental whack in the head, which Ray oversold by crumpling to the footing. When he gets back up, he says, "I call up she broke my hair, judge..."
- This question:
Combs: Name something on an elephant that is huge.
Contestant: I'yard gonna have to say a large butt.
(audience laughs)
Combs: No, No non that information technology'south a bad affair.
Contestant: No, not at all, I like large butts.
(audience laughs even more) - A young contestant whose family unit is going for the steal offers an interesting answer:
Combs: We asked 100 women, name something women borrow from each other.
Contestant: One another'due south husbands.
Combs: Their husbands?
(audience laughs)
Contestant: You lot never know, Ray.
Combs: You think that made the survey?
Contestant: No.- Another odd response to this question was "meat", which came from this family unit's opponents, the Frosts.
Combs: They borrow meat. I can see that. They knock on the door. "Hi, Sally." "Come on in." "Tin I borrow some meat from you? A piece of bacon, maybe a pork shoulder?"
- Before asking to encounter if "meat" fabricated the survey, Ray mouths "No way" twice. Turns out "meat" actually scores 5 points under the umbrella term "cooking ingredients"!
- Another odd response to this question was "meat", which came from this family unit's opponents, the Frosts.
- "Draw the weather with a discussion or phrase that you would also use to draw your married woman." "Wet!"
- Another contestant says, "Misty."
- Ray has fun with this answer:
Combs: Name something y'all would never practise in the rain.
Contestant: Take off my dress.
(audience laughs)
Combs: Would you do it in the sunshine?
(audience laughs even more) - An unexpected reply, according to Ray:
Combs: Name something i person does that might aggravate anybody else in a room.
Contestant: I want to say "fart".
(Ray jumps back in response, audience laughs)
Combs: God bless you, Kim. Yous're a very brave person to say that. And to exist honest, I nigh did it when you said that answer. - For the question, "Name a visitor known for its initials", a contestant guesses "CBS" which is non on the board. One of the uncovered answers so turns out to exist NBC, prompting Ray to call out whoever answered that to the survey.
- Afterward one contestant accidentally refers to Ray as Richard:
Combs: You can call me Richard. Likewise, he hosted the very same show I'm hosting at present!
- "Name an ugly colour." "Puce." (Scored 5 points!)
- From a Fast Money round:
Combs: Something that your dog does.
Contestant: Pee!
Combs: Your dog does a corking fox. (the answer is revealed) It goes wee-wee! Survey said: (ding) 2 people.
(Combs asks the the second contestant, John, the same question)
Combs: Something that your dog does.
John: Poops!
Combs: (afterward when the answer is revealed) You guys have a unique domestic dog. (audience laughs) Survey said: (ding) Three.
John: Aye, more than that time!
Combs: You know, John, the number 1 respond was "bark". If you allow the dog out, it wouldn't be pooping and peeing in your house! That'south why they're barking! (audience laughs) - From an episode pitting the casts of CBS soaps Guiding Light and The Bold and the Cute: "Name something that squirts when yous to the lowest degree expect it." "A breast."
- From the Geha versus Beauchaine episode: "What specific matter might you be doing that would make a phone call really annoying?"
- The Geha family had already given four of the summit 5 answers (bathing, making love, sleeping, and eating) before hit out. After the Gehas' third-strike answer of "swimming", Ray "swims" toward the Beauchaines' podium and receive answers such as "talking on another line", cooking, wrestling, and reading. Upon getting to family patriarch Dave, Ray gets this response:
Dave Beauchaine: I'one thousand gonna go with my own: Sittin' on the john. (Ray drops to the floor in surprise, and so Dave points over to the Gehas) They think it's pretty good.
Combs: Dave, you say they think it's pretty good? Dave, you should know they're your competitors. They call back it'south good 'cause they don't recollect it's there, Dave. Evidence me "going potty"! - "Using the toilet," said by seven people, earns the steal for the Beauchaines. Ray reacts in shock.
Combs: IT'S THERE! Information technology is In that location! (after returning to the face-off podium) You tin edit this out, only I gotta say I recollect that's a pretty crappy answer.
- The Geha family had already given four of the summit 5 answers (bathing, making love, sleeping, and eating) before hit out. After the Gehas' third-strike answer of "swimming", Ray "swims" toward the Beauchaines' podium and receive answers such as "talking on another line", cooking, wrestling, and reading. Upon getting to family patriarch Dave, Ray gets this response:
- Ray broke into hysterics over this Fast Coin answer:
Combs: Proper noun something a adult female out on a appointment would hate to come across if she were to steal a glance in the mirror.
Contestant: A booger. - Ray (and everyone else) laughed at this one.
Combs: I asked you the birthday that men dread the nearly. Y'all said... their wife's!
- Fifty-fifty better, it got two points!
- From 1988: "Proper noun a television evangelist who you recall is trustworthy."
Combs: Jimmy Swaggart, a human who has admitted to sexual misconduct, is trusted by one more person than Jerry Falwell! note Swaggart and Falwell were chosen by a total of only v of those surveyed.
- Likewise from that question, the answer "None of them" had 23 points.
- During ane Fast Coin, the 2d contestant was faced with the question "Proper name a magazine many men become subscriptions to equally gifts." His start answer of Playboy was a indistinguishable, so he said the next matter on his heed: Playgirl. Ii people agreed with him.
- "Proper noun something people can't resist touching." "Your spouse."
- During one of Ray Combs' pranks where he would read joke questions if the prior contestant already reached 200, he asked "Who is the ugliest man you've ever seen?" This gets the response of "W.C. Fields"
Louie Anderson (1999-2002)
Richard Karn (2002-06)
- Autumn 2002:
After Karn asked one question, the contestants tried to buzz-in... only to find that the podium didn't work (no sounds). Karn proceeded to alternate smacking the buzzers, to no avail.
- Fall 2002: "Name an animal whose legs are on a restaurant menu." No fizz-in response. Karn tried (and failed) to hold in his laughter as he slowly HeadDesked the podium to which the Strike sound played, significant the question was skipped. Karn got back up, added "I don't even wanna know!" and tossed the index card with the question written on it away.
- Fall 2002: "Name a discussion that rhymes with cookie." A contestant said "Nookie" and got 23 points.
- 2000s: "Proper noun something dogs tin exercise improve than humans." "Pee."
- 2000s: "Proper noun an brute with spots". The #2 answer was Tigers. In a reversal of the usual "moronic answers" formula, nobody even thought to estimate this one. And and so while returning from the next commercial pause, Richard says "We're yet looking for that spotted tiger."
- 2000s (possibly unaired): One contestant instinctively rang in before Richard even asked the question, prompting him to snark "Ooh, ooh, phone call on me, call on me!"
- 2000s: During the final round: "Proper name an animal with a long tail." "Giraffe!" Information technology got two points. And then when the second person came up, she said "giraffe" as well.
- "Proper name something yous wouldn't desire the police to find in the trunk of your machine." "Pickles."
- "Name a word yous employ instead of a expletive give-and-take." 2 answers had to be censored.
Karn: Again, I'd like to point out it'south instead of using the expletive word.
- "Name something that London is famous for." "I'1000 thinkin' pasta."
- From this fast money fleck:
Karn: Proper noun a sport that wives and husbands can play together. You said... kickball! You lot know, yous're not usually married in third grade.
- "Name something people squeeze to become more out of." "Rear ends." (Scored 8 points!)
- This respond and Karn's reaction:
Karn: Proper noun something a human being has that he'd exist upset if someone else used it.
Georgia: How well-nigh his jock strap?
(audience laughs, Karn gives an Aside Glance)
Karn: "Someone else used my jock strap!"
"Tell me a homo'south name that begins with the letter K." "KentuckyFriedChicken".
Game$how Marathon (Summer 2006)
- The Ricki Lake-hosted Game$how Marathon wasn't all that great or memorable in general, but a somewhat funny moment occurred during the Family Feud finale. For a fleck of groundwork, at the time the miniseries aired, the evidence itself was in the midst of a host changeover — John O'Hurley for Richard Karn — meaning Karn's running gag of "I'G DOUBLING THE POINTS!" followed by applause from the audition was even so fresh on the radar. When Ricki Lake mentioned before the get-go of ane face-off that the signal values were doubled — in her usual calm not-Karn delivery — the audience all the same applauded, taking Ricki by surprise for a few seconds. (To clarify: the version of Feud this episode was patterned after was the 1976-85 Richard Dawson version.)
John O'Hurley (2006-10)
- 2007-08: One answer remained unrevealed for "Name a reason why a human would want to marry Martha Stewart." — "He's gay.
- Fall 2009: "Of all the US Presidents, which would expect best in a Speedo?
" No, seriously.
- "Name something that goes upwardly" Number 6 answer was Mr. Happy.
- "Proper name something that shrinks." One person answered "The Incredible Shrinking Man", which was accepted equally "People." Afterwards...
Contestant: I don't know if this is appropriate, but I'yard gonna say your wee-wee...?
(audience laughs)
O'Hurley: In Seinfeldian terms, evidence me..."shrinkage"! (Crush) That's the aforementioned as "people"? Like hell it is! - 2006: One of the very showtime videos uploaded to the show's YouTube account, before the flavour had even premiered, was a clip featuring the question "Proper noun a way to make bathing a sexy experience." This one got met with two funny answers, "In the nude", and "401(k) jelly" (presumably, he was wanting to say "KY Jelly", a brand of lubricant.)
O'Hurley: I remember 401(g) being a retirement plan, not a jelly! But in a troubled economy, you become anywhere you tin can.
- Another infamous answer:
O'Hurley: Name something a man might do to wait good that he doesn't want people to know well-nigh.
Sonia: Stuff his pants.
O'Hurley: Cypher makes a man wait better than to accept the entire produce section. All right! From Sonia's lips to the board, show me, "Stuff his pants!". (buzzer) I want you to expect right in the camera and say "How-do-you-do, YouTube!". - 2008: "Name a famous pig." A contestant guesses "my mother-in-law".
O'Hurley: I think the holidays are going to be a very unlike experience for yous this year.
- "Name something you do to a fish." "Flush it downwardly the toilet."
- This Fast Money question...
O'Hurley: Name the historic period when you showtime worrying most your weight.
Contestant 1: twenty. (scored two points)
Contestant 2: 15. (scored four points) - "Name the fastest-selling drug." A contestant said "Marijuana" and got nine points.
- O'Hurley deals with a foreign respond:
O'Hurley: Name something that a fed-up married woman might finally tell her hubby to do for himself.
Contestant: Um... satisfy himself? That'due south what we're going with.
(audience cheers and applauds)
O'Hurley: You started off... with romantic encounters in the elevator...
Contestant: You take no thought that this is—
O'Hurley: Penicillin... from Mexico, and at present your advice to the fed-up husband from his wife is "become satisfy yourself"? It's a complete cycle, my friend. - "Proper noun something that lives in a cage." "A human being." (Scored 6 points!)
- "Proper noun something a woman has that her friends might exist jealous of." "Large boobs." (Scored 14 points!)
- In response to "Something of Tarzan's that Jane should get when they're divorced", a contestant answered with Tarzan'due south yell which she imitated.
- And this one:
O'Hurley: Name something women squeeze.
Contestant: Boobs.
O'Hurley: We are having a Johnny Depp moment here!
Al Roker (NBC, 2008)
- Summer 2008: A compilation of funny moments
, posted on the show's YouTube page.
Other versions
Australian versions
- 1980s: Once, host Tony Barber accidentally asked a male contestant if he had a boyfriend, then realized his slip and corrected it to "girlfriend". The contestant'due south response? "No, I'thou gay."
- During Bert Newton's stint, there was a special with two teams of past TV Week Logie winners playing against each other. The women's team included Denise Drysdale, Jane Allsop, Jeanne Fiddling, and Patricia "Little Pattie" Thompson. At ane bespeak, Bert very casually slips in that he'south slept with ii of them.
- Another one from Bert's run - "Proper name a souvenir that's hard to return". When the Massa family is given a risk to steal, the lady at the end says "a vibrator
". Cue dramatic music, Bert claiming that he doesn't know what information technology is, followed by him saying "uh..." like said device.
Bert: You know, sometimes I exercise miss forenoon telly.
- In yet another i from Bert's run - "Name something that cheers up a dull party". The Dean family is trying to steal the points, and contestant Caroline suggests an answer of "stripper". Bert then asks if Caroline has been to a party with a stripper, or if she has ever been a stripper herself, and Caroline says no.
- Later the circular ends, Bert tells Caroline to "come out and strip for us" while they become to a commercial suspension. While Bert is looking at the audience, they express joy as Caroline undoes her chugalug off camera. This catches Bert's interest as he thinks Caroline was lying about not being a stripper. He and so wonders what Caroline will start with, and she warns that her Nana is in the audience...after which Bert asks Caroline's Nana to come up and strip for the audience!
- From Grant Denyer'due south run in 2014: In an otherwise successful Fast Coin circular, the first contestant, asked "Proper noun a type of bluecoat," answers, "Chicken." He then refuses to say what if anything his thinking was, and Grant gain to mock him mercilessly while revealing the scores, during his teammate'due south turn, and even the following night, even while acknowledging that he got two top answers.
- A Fast Money question: "Name something yous eat for breakfast that you might also eat for dinner." Both contestants initially answer "Weet-Bix", the latter changing to "Toast." When asked, she mentions that their son is known for information technology.
- Name a high school field of study students actually savor.
Sex Ed. Icing on the cake, Grant points out that their score upward to that indicate was 69. The respond itself just got them four more points, though.
- From Fast Money:
Grant: Proper noun a celebrity who's famous for being famous.
Contestant: You?- It got zero points, not that it mattered after the 182 points the offset contestant had accumulated. And for the tape, the height answer with 51 points? Kim Kardashian.
- "Name something that happens later on you turn 65." The starting time contestant buzzes in and answers "Y'all start losing your hearing." Grant leans in and says, "Pardon?" The contestant starts repeating herself, only to catch on after a moment.
- "Proper name something you might see in a spotlight." One contestant decides to think exterior the box - something that Grant notes he has been doing a lot since he'due south been on the show - and answers, "Fabric". It gets a strike. What actually makes information technology funny is Grant being Belatedly to the Punchline to realise he had Spotlight
stores in listen.
- I episode has Grant talking to a contestant mid-round nigh a past experience (which apparently concluded up on YouTube) when he attempted to commencement a Mexican Wave at a basketball game, which petered out after the first lap of the stadium. Later in the circular, Grant does a hilarious simulated of Derek trying to start the wave. To this, Derek retorts, "Very shut to that, but merely a scrap more meridian," (in reference to Grant existence often towered over by contestants, which himself has joked most). It gets a noticeably shocked reaction from the studio audience and his family, and a feigned Death Glare from Grant, who then proceeds to beginning a more successful moving ridge in said studio audience.
- "Proper name something that uses wire
." The first contestant, Helen, buzzes in and answers "A stage," rather awkwardly trying to explicate that you demand wire to connect microphones to the stage. It gets a strike, the opposing player get it correct, then passer it over to the kickoff one. Helen gets a plow and again answers, "A microphone", slightly more confidently. It gets laughter from the audition, and a strike. And and then, in a later round, the question is "Proper noun something you plug in," and then Helen again answers "A microphone". She immediately winces at it, Grant facepalms, and so her teammate starts clapping and proverb "Good answer!" At this point Grant grabs said teammate's easily and forces them down on the desk, before shouting, both at the team and the studio audience, "End clapping! Stop clapping, it was non a good answer! Helen, you lot cannot say 'microphone' for every question!"
- "Name a type of frame." Somehow the answers that came out were "story", "auto" and the best one "chicken."
- "Name something you practice to become your partner's attention." "Accept your clothes off." Grant'south reaction is hilarious
, as is the fact that the respond got eight points, while the first contestant'south answer, "Say their name", got vii.
- "Name another give-and-take for 'throw'" "Pass." Grant starts asking the question once again earlier realising that was the answer.
- The TV Hosts vs Newsreaders episode of All Star Family Feud was hilarious from offset to stop. Highlights include:
- Grant interim like a massive fanboy over the TV Hosts for the entire hour and utterly squeeing whenever he had to interact with Tony Barber note (Tony is all-time known in Commonwealth of australia for being THE quintessential Game Show host and somewhat hilariously, came full circumvolve on this episode equally he'd hosted Family Feud on Channel ix from 1977-1979.)
- At one point Grant asks Tony if he tin recreate his famous "entry" into the studio a la Tony's archway on Sale of the Century. Tony not but obliges, but so gets Grant to practise the same.
- Repeated jokes effectually Tony and Grant comparing heights.
- During Fast Money, Grant is virtually to read the terminal two answers to Kerri-Anne Kennerley when Tony proceeds to call out Grant for stalling, so cuts in. He starts also stalling, resulting in Glenn Ridge note (hosted Auction of the Century afterwards Tony left and is probably the 2nd-most recognized when you'd recall of Auction of the Century {tertiary-most if you count Jim Perry}) taking over, and then John Burgess note (hosted a variety of games, but is best known for Wheel of Fortune, and was ironically replaced past Hairdresser nether controversial circumstances) cuts in and takes over from Glenn!
- Just the fact that three out of four of the TV Hosts team were sometime Game Show hosts and had now come full circumvolve beingness contestants on a game show is hilarious in and of itself.
- "Name something that would help you make up one's mind whether to come across a movie or non." Ane answer given is the shooting location. Grant then proceeds to mock the respond:
Grant: Aw, this motion-picture show was shot in Canada! I'one thousand non gonna watch that!
Contestant: Actually, I'g Canadian.
Habitation Games
- The Abode Game on the SNES had a rather, shall we say, "forgiving" text parser: basically, it only checks to see if your estimate has all the letters that i of the lath answers has. This allows players to get away with putting in all sorts of crap, from Discussion-Salad Humor to Refuge in Brazenness, into the parser and have information technology counted correct (for example, "I BATHED KEANU REEVES" registers as "BAKER"). All-time demonstrated by this tool-assisted speedrun.
- One question on the Game Boy Advance version asks "Name something Charlie Brown might do." One of the AI contestants answers with "Snoopy."
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