Should You Feed Dog After Vomit
Many of us know that dogs try to sniff everything in sight, and unfortunately, they often eat everything they can get their paws on as well. This curiosity can lead to our pets consuming something inedible, resulting in an upset stomach and vomiting in dogs . As a loving dog owner, you should not panic since this is normal. However, you should closely monitor your pup to ensure that this is a one-time occurence. If your dog throws up multiple times or it persists for more than a day, you should seek veterinary attention immediately. Luckily, that is not typically the case and you can nurse your furry friend back to health from the comfort of his bed.
Water Water Everywhere
Once you have identified that your dog's upset stomach is a minor issue, you may be asking yourself, "What do you feed a dog that is vomiting?" Although refilling your pup's empty stomach is a logical connection, the first thing you want to do is make sure your dog has plenty of easily accessible water. More than anything, when your dog is vomiting, he is losing fluids. Even though food loss might be apparent to us, replenishing your dog's fluids should be your top priority. Put a number of water dishes in easily accessible places to encourage your dog to drink. In addition to setting out water bowls, you can offer your dog ice cubes. Many dogs like to munch on ice chips, which is a way to slowly reintroduce fluids into their systems.
Fasting First
Many experts recommend withholding food from your dog until the vomiting has subsided. The recommended wait time is 24-hours for adult dogs and 12-hours for puppies. However, you should use your own discretion when making the decision to keep food away from your dog. If your pup has consumed plenty of water and is running around like his usual self, you probably do not need to withhold food. On the other hand, if you think your dog is going to immediately throw the food back up, you may consider a brief period of fasting.
Baby Steps and Baby Food
After your dog has had plenty of water and you have determined you want to give him food, you may be wondering what to feed a dog who is vomiting . The answer is to take baby steps, and one way to do this is with baby food. It may sound strange, but organic, stage two baby foods are a great solution. Stage two foods are a bit thicker and can include meat. These easy to digest foods are perfect for babies or a dog that needs a little extra love as he recovers from an upset stomach. When selecting a baby food, look for one that is void of spices such as garlic. Aim for the most basic ingredients to reduce the risk of upsetting your dog's stomach all over again.
The Blander the Better
What to feed a dog that is vomiting? The rule of thumb to remember is the blander the better. If your dog threw up, his stomach is in a very fragile state and you want to offer him very small portions of bland foods. If you do not think your dog is ready for solid foods, try offering him basic bone broth. You can make this by boiling bones; however, do not add any spices. It is also crucial to carefully strain the broth multiple times. Bone fragments can cause severe damage if ingested. However, if you are careful, bone broth can be a wonderful remedy.
Once you think your dog is ready for solid foods, there are a number of options you can try. Chicken and rice is an easy meal that typically sits well with most dogs. Boil boneless, skinless chicken to avoid using any oils or spices, which may further aggravate your pup's upset stomach. Serve the chicken with a small portion of white rice. If you do not have white rice, try substituting it for boiled and skinned potatoes. In addition to chicken and rice, pumpkin and sweet potatoes are other nutrient-rich choices. Small portions of canned pumpkin (without spices) and peeled sweet potatoes are both mild, healthy options for replenishing your dog's stomach.
Overall, if your pup is not feeling up to par, you want to do everything in your power to help him recover quickly and comfortably. After closely monitoring his actions to ensure you do not need to seek a veterinarian, slowly reintroduce plenty of water and small portions of food into your furry friend's diet. By following these steps, you should have a happy and healthy pooch in no time!
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